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Lone Star Book Reviews

Sponsored Book Reviews


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Notable and quotable reviews

Yes, our editors and contributors review the top Texas titles and authors—but with so much great activity in a big state, we'll reach out to only a fraction of them.  While we don't accept solicitations for Lone Star Reviews, if you need a professionally written review to reach Texas readers and booksellers—timed with your launch—consider our Lone Star Sponsored Reviews service.


  •     We review self-published books as well as titles by established publishers.
  •     We review fiction and nonfiction.


For only $249 ($279 for nonfiction), our qualified reviewers will provide a review (of at least 500 words) with a full evaluation and quotable tagline, within 4 weeks of our receiving the finished copy. And if for any reason the resulting review doesn’t fit with your marketing plans, you’ll have the opportunity to opt out of publication in advance, while still gaining valuable insights regarding your book.

Learn more about our review policies


Lone Star—and the rest

National  review publications take twice as long to publish—and cost twice as much. With Lone Star Sponsored Reviews, target your dollars in Texas, and use wherever you wish.


  Policy Paid Service Fee Turnaround
Foreword Reviews Prepublication only Foreword Clarion $499 express 4-6 weeks
Kirkus Reviews Prepublication only Kirkus Indie standard service $425; express service $575 standard (7-9 weeks); express (4-6 weeks)
Lone Star Literary Reviews Texas books, recent or forthcoming Lone Star Sponsored Reviews $249 fiction / $279 nonfiction 4 weeks
Publishers Weekly Prepublication only; self-published titles referred to PW BookLife BookLife; PW Selects (title promotion; no review)

$399 (reviews of self-published titles); $149 (cover & bibliographical info only)

BookLife (6 weeks); PW Selects (Immediate)


Click here to complete the easy online form to submit your book today, or email for more information. 

