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on Radar Talk Intimate podcast hosted by François Pointeau


Radar Talk Intimate is a podcast, hosted by poet François Pointeau, about creativity in general, and creative folks in particular. Thank you so much for listening! I'd love to hear from you my listeners: What do you think? Please comment, share, and tell me what you think.  You can find RADAR TALK INTIMATE on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and featured once per month here on







Author, poet, and wrestling expert, Reyes Ramirez came over to my place last week for a visit. Reyes recently had a short story published in Houston Noir edited by Gwendolyn Zepeda (Akashic Press 2019), and since I read his story last year, I've been wanting to talk with him about what he's doing and his writing. We had a wonderful conversation where we talk about mixing languages into creative writing, curanderas, and so much more. Please go say hello to Reyes on his website:

