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Celebrating Texas poets and poetry for National Poetry Month



Coming April 11, 2021


April is National Poetry Month, and to celebrate, we're putting the spotlight on



Throughout April, we will share features (book reviews, author interviews, excerpts) highlighting Texas-connected poets and poetry. Then, on April 11th, we'll present the Texas Poetry Spotlight to showcase even more books!



If you and/or your poetry have a Texas connection, there are 3 levels of participation & an optional giveaway.


Basic ($35): includes book cover, description, and hyperlink to purchase in website article publishing 4/11 + inclusion in the LSLL newsletter + cover included in the feature's lead graphic (also shown in the newsletter and LSLL social media pinned post.) + promoted on social media week of 4/12. 


Premium Level 1 ($60): includes all of the Basic features (above) + book cover, metadata, description, purchase link, one-sentence author bio, author photo, & author link in a Sneak Peek eBlast (max of 15 titles; first come, first served) on 4/9. The eBlast will be shared as breaking news across the top of our website, and the titles in the eBlast will be included in a graphic on the website and shared to social media that day.


Premium Level 2 ($75): includes all of the Basic & Premium Level 1 features (above) + on one day, week of 4/19-23, a focused spotlight post for only your book will be featured simultaneously on each of our three social media platforms + title included in the optional giveaway (see below).


OPTIONAL ($5; but included in Premium Level 2): Lone Star Lit will run a poetry books giveaway 4/11-4/24. The giveaway will be included in the feature article on the website and promoted in the newsletter, on social media, and the entry anchored on the website sidebar.  Participating authors will each get at least two entry listings (for example: subscribe to newsletter, follow on Twitter, etc.). Author responsible for providing book to winner, US only.


We're taking submissions through April 5th. 

For questions and/or to have your book(s) included,  email

and we'll send you a link to an online form to complete in order to have your book(s) listed*.

*Books which do not serve the interests of a wide, general readership, books espousing hate speech, or books espousing extreme political or religious positions, are not eligible for the Texas Poetry Spotlight.
