Due to technical issues, we have to re-build the 2022 calendars. We'll add events as we find them or as we receive them by email to Events@LoneStarLiterary.com.
Bookish Texas • Events Around the State
The most comprehensive listing of book and author events, festivals, readings, lectures, and signings in the Lone Star State
FOR 02.12.2022-02.20.2022
Want your event included? Email Events@lonestarliterary.com with your complete info two weeks in advance of the issue in which your event is scheduled, and we'll include it.
Bookish goings-on in Texas
compiled exclusively by Lone Star Literary Life
While we rebuild our 2022 calendars, you can always find events at your local Texas bookstores, all found on our Texas bookstores page, or visit the Book Clubs in Texas and Texas Writers’ Groups pages to find where bookish people are gathering.
Texas Bookstores
Book Clubs in Texas
Texas Writers’ Groups
SPECIAL EVENTS (*Denotes In-person Events.)
*Wimberley, various venues, Wimberley Story Fest, February 17-20, 2022
*Alpine, Lone Star Cowboy Poetry Gathering, February 18-19 2022
*San Angelo, Fosters Communication Coliseum, San Angelo Comic Con, February 18-20, 2022
*Corpus Christi, Teen Bookfest by the Bay, February 19, 2022
*Round Rock, Central Texas Teen & Kids Comic Con, February 19, 2022
EXHIBITIONS (*Denotes In-person Events.)
*Abilene, National Center for Children's Illustrated Literature, Work and Whimsy: R. Gregory Christie, opens February 3, 2022
*Big Spring, Heritage Museum of Big Spring, Lonesome Dove Exhibition, through February 22, 2022
*Ranger, Golemon Library at Ranger College, The Way Things Were: Texas Settlers and Their Buildings, 1860s-1930s, through February 27, 2022
*Austin, Harry Ransom Center, Stories to Tell, through March 4, 2022
*Boerne, Patrick Heath Library, Running for Office: Candidates, Campaigns, and the Cartoons of Cllifford Berryman, through March 15, 2022
*Del Rio, Whitehead Memorial Museum, Unsinkable: Voices from the Storm, through March 16, 2022
*Fort Worth, Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, Fort Worth and the Green Book, February 11-August 31, 2022
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 (*Denotes In-person Events
Writer's League of Texas, Anatomy of a Scene: A Deep Dive Into Dialogue with Stacey Swann, 9AM, ONLINE
Writespace, Marketing Minus the Self-Loathing with Ynes Freeman, 9:30AM, Online
*Lubbock, Caprock Writers' Alliance, Municipal Garden and Arts Center, featured speaker Kristine Hall of Lone Star Literary Life, 10AM
*Irving, Irving Public Library, We Love Books Book Sale, fundraiser, 10AM
The Writer’s Garret, Stone Soup Prose & Poetry peer critique group, 10AM, ONLINE
*Houston, Houston Public Library Central Library, Vibe N Write: A Houston Poet Laureate Workshop with Outspoken Bean, 11AM
*Canyon, Burrowing Owl, Bill Briscoe signing Perfect Payback, 1PM
Tumblewords Project, Kit Wren: Against Love Poetry, 2PM, ZOOM
*Houston, Murder by the Book, Michelle Hillen Klump (A Dash of Death), 3PM
*Fort Worth, The Dock Bookshop, Finding God in Hard Places with Dr. Michael Bell, 3PM Hybrid
Katy Budget Books, Series We Love YA Virtual Panel with Aileen Erin, Judy Lin, Aminah Mae Safi, & Tracy Wolff. 7PM, ZOOM
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*San Antonio, The Twig Bookshop, Cheryl Peña signing The House of Wynne Lift, 12PM
*Austin, Barnes & Noble - Sunset Valley, Kathy Valentine book signing, 1PM
Writespace, The Submission Room, 4PM, ONLINE
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14 (*Denotes In-person Events)
Happy Valentine's Day!
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 (*Denotes In-person Events)
Writing Workshops Dallas, Graphic Novel & Comics 8 Week Zoom Workshop with Varud Gupta, 1st class 6PM, ONLINE
Katy Budget Books, New Year, New You: Better Friendships with Erin Falconer (How to Break Up with Your Friends), 6PM ONLINE
Barshop Jewish Community Center of San Antonio, Author Speaker Series: An Evening with Annabelle Gurtwich, author of You're Leaving When?, 7PM ONLINE
*Dallas, Dallas Museum of Art, Horchow Auditorium, Brendan Slocumb (The Violin Conspiracy) in conversation with Terry Loftis, 7:30PM TICKETED
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 (*Denotes In-person Events)
Gemini Ink, Veteran’s Writing Collective with Sarah Colby, 6:30 PM ZOOM
Village Books, Thursday Night Lights with Author Michael Hurd, 7PM, FACEBOOK
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Wimberley, various venues, Wimberley Story Fest, first of four days
*San Antonio, Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center, A Declaration of Poetry with Carmen Tafolla, Octavio Quintanilla, Lahab Assef Al-Jundi, Ananda Nadayogi, Nazli Siddiqui, Jasmina Wellinghoff, Saghar Roshan, Dr. Haetham Abdul-Razaq, and Dr. Lopita Nath, 6PM, Ticketed (free)
*Austin, Black Pearl Books, Book signing with children’s author Chris Singleton Page, 6PM
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Book Discussion and Signing with Rosalyn Story (Sing Her Name), 6PM
*Lubbock, Wild Lark Books, Open Mic Night, 7PM
Lark and Owl, Lorena Hughes (The Spanish Daughter), 7PM, ONLINE
The Dock Bookshop, Black Cowboys of Rodeo with Kevin Ryan Cartwright & Jim Austin, 7PM, Docklive.tv
Writers' League of Texas, Worldbuilding in Fiction with Afia Atakora, Fernando A. Flores, & Marshall Ryan Maresca, 8PM, ZOOM
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Alpine, Lone Star Cowboy Poetry Gathering, Day 1 of 2, 10AM
*Houston, Houston Racket Club, Houston Assistance League Books and Brunch featuring Johnny Carrabba, Stacy Wilder, and Patricia Hunt Holmes, 11AM
*San Angelo, Fosters Communication Coliseum, San Angelo Comic Con, Day 1 of 3, 10AM
*Austin, BookPeople, First Baptist Church, Author Marlon James discussing his new book MOON WITCH, SPIDER KING, 7PM
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Corpus Christi, Teen Bookfest by the Bay, 9AM
*Austin, The Writing Barn, Weekend Warrior One-Day Retreat with Claire Campbell, 9AM
*Round Rock, Central Texas Teen & Kids Comic Con, 10AM
*San Antonio, The Twig, Deidre Sequeira (Isla Emerged), 11AM
BookPeople, Austin Allies Kids Book Club with Ernesto Cosneros (Efrén Divided), 12:30PM, ZOOM
Diverse Literary Voices of Texas: Debut Books of Fiction by Women of Color, 1PM, ONLINE
Round Rock Library, Poetry In Motion: Virtual Open Mic hosted by Nadine Flowers and E.B. Staples, 1:30PM, ONLINE
*San Antonio, The Twig, Arlington Callies (The Man Behind the March), 1:30PM
Tumblewords Project, Gilda Baeza Ortega, PhD: Resistance Writing from Aztlán , 2PM, ZOOM
*Dallas, Dallas LDS Books, Authors Heather B. Moore, Esther Hatch, Julie Wright, and Jen Geigle Johnson, 2PM
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*San Antonio, The Twig, HK Jacobs (Becoming Wilde), 12PM
Houston Sisters in Crime, Working With Freelance Editors, Jennifer Stratton Udden, 2PM, Zoom
STORY TIMES (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Fort Worth, Leaves Tea and Books, Yoga + Story Time, February 5, 10AM
Lark & Owl Booksellers, Super Silly Story Time, M, W & F, 9:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
Allen Public Library – M-TH at 10:15 via Facebook Live
Leaves Books & Tea, read-aloud story time, T-Th, 2PM FACEBOOK LIVE
Seguin Public Library – Toddler & Preschool Storytime via Zoom, T & W, 10AM, or for the Whole Family, T at 11:15AM outside
Dallas Public Library, children’s story time, T & Th, 10:30AM ZOOM
*Fort Worth, Monkey and Dog Books, Story Time, T & F at 10:30AM
Old Town Books, children’s story time, T & F, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
Longview Public Library – T, Facebook Live at 10:30AM
North Richland Hills Library, virtual story time, T, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
*New Braunfels, The Book Haus, musical story time, T, 10:30AM
*Midland, Centennial Library, story time, W, 10:30AM & 11:30AM
*Midland, Downtown Library, story time, TH, 10:30AM & 11:30AM
Texian Books, tiny Texians story time, F, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
The Twig Book Shop, Miss Anastasia online story time, F, 10:30AM INSTAGRAM LIVE
Brazos Bookstore, virtual story time, Sat, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
Harris County Public Libraries - Fairbanks Branch: a variety of story times throughout the week
San Antonio Public Library, children’s story times throughout the week
El Paso Public Library, a variety of children’s programming throughout the week FACEBOOK LIVE
Houston Public Library, virtual story time, daily, times vary.
Laredo Public Libraries, story time live, days & times vary, YOUTUBE
Irving Public Library, online story time, days & times vary, YOUTUBE
The Doseum, virtual story time, days & times vary.
Don't see your book or literary event here? Email Events@lonestarliterary.com with your complete info two weeks in advance of the issue in which your event is scheduled, and we'll share it with our readers.