Lone Star Lit newsletter subscribers get sneak peek of February Texas Books Preview


This morning, subscribers to the Lone Star Literary Life weekly newsletter got a bonus newsletter that included an exclusive sneak peek at the February Texas Books Preview. Nine of the fifty Texas-related books publishing in February were highlighted. This is part of the subscriber-only content we'll be sharing several times each month. Not a subscriber? Click here—it’s free!   


Watch for the full February Texas Books Preview in the Sunday, January 31 issue of Lone Star Literary Life. Here's what to expect:

February is not supposed to blow in like a lion—that’s March; but hopefully the January snow will stop the Rolling Plains from blowing away. Meanwhile, also blowing in on the February winds of love (sorry!) is a big, long list of new Texas books. We’ve got cowboys, crucibles, and cozies; sisters, mothers and daughters, and a first lady; galaxies far, far away; a plethora of picture books, a little poetry, translated fiction from the Americas and Romania, some innovative Cajun cooking, and some very bad habits.

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