Genre: Mainstream / Literary Fiction
Publisher: Flio Widdix Publishing
Date of Publication: December 11, 2021
ABOUT THE BOOKS: Nine Characters + One Butterfly = Chaos Theory.
The series, If a Butterfly, is a bit like Six Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon (if Kevin just happened to be a butterfly). A Monarch butterfly, during its epic migration from Canada to Mexico, intersects the paths of a few people, and their lives and the lives of others are altered forever.
In Chrysalis, the first book in the series, nine different characters embark on a variety of journeys, some of distance, and others while staying right where they are. What do a scientist, a married couple on a vacation, a woman who hears voices no one else hears, a grad student, a quilter, a radio deejay, a teacher, and an astronaut all have in common? A butterfly, of course. All of these characters want what most people want, “to earn a decent living, be respected for the work we do, have a good time, and get along with everybody.” Sometimes that happens, sometimes it doesn’t.
In the second book, Emergence, the journeys continue, with a different focus for some of the characters because of what happened in Chrysalis; but the continuation of their stories show how each of our lives can touch another life, and what effect a chance encounter can have on everyone around us.
Add to Goodreads: Chrysalis Emergence
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Michael Sirois, after graduating from the University of Houston with degrees in drama and English, taught writing, drama, and technology in a Texas middle school for two decades. He still wrote, though, placing well in competitions like the Writer's Digest Short Story contest and the HBO Project Greenlight series. He has published two books prior to this series. A novel, The Jagged Man, is temporarily out of print; but Aggravated, a non-fiction book about unjust incarceration, is still available.
An excerpt from If a Butterfly was chosen for publication in the Rice University’s Continuing Studies Writer’s Gallery in 2006, and a different excerpt from it won second place in the Gutsy Great Novelist’s Page One Prize in 2020.
Michael does know his characters. He has either done the jobs of his main characters (teacher, actor, radio deejay, tech geek); had direct connections to others (quilter, scientist, grad student); or wished he could have been one (astronaut). He has, however, never experienced some of the things that at least two of the characters had to go through in this novel. He won’t name names, but he’s very happy about not having to do any of that personally.
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