“The truth, I realized, was that we had played politics as a clean game, and it wasn’t.”


Worse Than You Think: The Mostly True Story of Two Teachers Running for Congress Deep in the Heart of Texas 

Todd Allen and Heath Hamrick 

TCU Press

September 24, 2024

Paperback; 978-875658858 


Is it worth the heartache, headache, and bellyache from too many chips, too much queso, and too many margaritas to fight a political primary battle with a low-percentage win strategy? If you ask Todd Allen and Heath Hamrick, they will probably tell you yes and then tell you why. 


Worse Than You Think is the humorous and insightful tale of two left-leaning teachers near Dallas, Texas, who, like many people in the United States, wondered how the political landscape had become such a firestorm of bickering, division, and violence. What would happen if two ordinary men with no political background except for their years of teaching US Government classes decided to run in 2018 for US Congress in Texas Congressional District 24? Underdogs are often fan favorites, but does that apply to political novices as well? 


Heath Hamrick, educator and campaign manager extraordinaire, tells this story of how friend and fellow educator Todd Allen agreed that gerrymandered CD-24 needed a fresh, everyday candidate who cares about the people and the issues. A candidate who is alarmed at the dangerous path on which Americans were now plodding, many with blinders on or looking at their phones and mindlessly scrolling social media. Many of those same Americans were happily entrenched in a red Texas district or wanting more but not ready to replace a familiar Democrat on the primary ballot with a virtual unknown.  


Once Todd and Heath decided to hit the campaign trail with little money and almost no idea how to even get started, they were all in, including their wives and a small handful of others. This diminutive group eventually grew to include maybe a few more people, but what the two men lacked in campaign acumen and crowds of supporters and endorsements, they more than made up for in heart, stick-to-it-iveness, gumption, and tenacity to fight the good fight, even when an Oscar-worthy win against all odds would probably never happen in real life. 


While both men are self-proclaimed introverts, they decided that Texas and the United States in general needed better. And who better to wake up a complacent district than two regular guys far removed from silver spoons, morally bankrupt compasses, unrealistic promises, mudslinging, and bottomless bank accounts? 


“We were two average, apathetic, everyday Americans, finally driven off our respective couches by a desire to get involved and make a difference.” 


Heath and Todd, in this well-written and engaging story, tell us that while the fight was long and hard, it really was worth it. Not giving up in the face of adversity, scowls, smirks, and a sure loss takes courage, hope, and a few Whataburger milkshakes to keep the fires lit and to remember the reasons why they were doing all this in the first place. Once the ballots were counted and the dust had settled, no matter the final vote tally, Todd and Heath were actually the true winners in this political battle. Why? Because they were able to focus on the lessons learned, appreciate time with family even more after all was said and done, and not bemoan (too much) the political sucker punches that came from the left and the right. They walked through the political fire and lived to tell their story. And what a story it is. 


Whatever your political views, Worse Than You Think, at the very least, will entertain with its anecdotal, laugh-out-loud humor and straightforward message. Trying to make a difference is greater than constantly complaining and doing nothing, and giving up when almost everyone else says you will never win is for losers. Heath and Todd and their families remind us that staying true to yourself and your ideals when everyone else says otherwise should be the legacy to strive for in this incredibly diverse country that will always deserve better. 


“If nothing else my children will know their dad believed the impossible was possible. That it’s not too late for us. That people, character, and truth still matter.” 

Todd Allen and Heath Hamrick are award-winning high school teachers, creative consultants, and just possibly the most naive, idealistic, and clueless political neophytes in the long history of American politics. Both Todd and Heath graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio with degrees in political science, and by 2004 both were in Texas classrooms, facing the surprising knowledge that they were born educators. In 2018, Todd Allen ran for US Congress in Texas CD-24 as a Democrat, with Heath as his campaign manager, media guru, and wartime consigliere who dispensed the kind of idealistic advice that only works on television shows scripted by Aaron Sorkin. Todd serves as an educational administrator, while Heath works as an educational and media consultant.  
